Beta 1.0

Date: 15.5.


  • Ingame visuals and audio: Collegue added the option to change the number of shot representations actions create (ie. burst shot of 3 bullets..). Added visualization of where the soldiers fire is blocked by cover. 
  • Gameplay: Collegue fruther adjusted levels for balance, also fixed the aiming chances to be more fun. Added a limited supply of ammo replenished at sending soldiers to specific positions that may or may not be in cover. Added UI and ingame visuals to represent this. Decided to have all classes gather at the same speed for now and to not have the enemy hindered by it.
  • Fixed some major soldier representation bugs.

Invested hours: about 3 hours yesterday and 6 today including an about an hour of collegue communication over these two days

Outcome:  The small changes we make have a bigger and bigger impact as we are able to distinguish what matters and what doesn't really.

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