Alpha 2.0

Date: 12.5.


  • UI: Added possibility to show whether an action can be taken, required changing the api of the actions to be more complicated but it is optional and generally not too difficult. to implement. Also numbered them to make the selection through number keys easier. Added a togglable hint canvas describing the mechanics and various ui elements. Manually stripped a few ui elements of scripts to show what certain texts on them mean. Moved some ui elements from world space to a fixed screen area and highlited the selected soldier, pretty big improvement in looks and visibility.
  • Menus : added a beckground texture and fixed alignments, switched from offsets to anchors to make it potentially more scalable
  • Gameplay: no major changes except fixing level transitions
  • In game visuals: Added particle systems to show whether someone got hit and what action the ai took. Added helmets, quite an improvement to visuals considering it is just a single capsule.

Extra Notes: none

Invested hours: about 3 hours yesterday and 5 hours today

Outcome: Fixed most of the major issues pointed out during the playtest. The campaigns still need work, unfortunately didn't get much useful feedback on this, but improving the visuals has helped a surprising lot with player enjoyment (at least as measured by me)


Build Alpha 1.0 23 MB
May 09, 2022

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